St. John’s Church West End Build Community Project says “Thank You”
We are currently sending letters of thanks to everyone who has contributed to the project so far. However, if you are one of the many people who have made donations either anonymously or without including any contact address, then the following copy of the letter from Rev Wendy and the WEB committee is FOR YOU!
“We are writing to you as someone who has generously supported the St. John’s West End Build Project during the last four years. This may have been through our Buy-a-Brick scheme or other fund-raising promotions, by donating prizes for some of our events or you may have given your time skills to assist the project. Whatever way you may have chosen to assist us, we are most grateful for your involvement. Every gift we receive is greatly valued and is entered in our “Book of Gifts” which will be displayed in the new facility when it is completed. A draft copy is also on display at the back of church most of the time.
We have now raised over £36,000 in donations and grants and three local builders have offered us an amazing amount of labour and materials equivalent to almost £100,000, approximately one-third of the total cost of the project.
We felt it right at this time just to say “Thank You” and to give you a few details about the progress of the project. Our focus this last year has been particularly on trying to raise grants to see if we could complete the project without having to sell any of our land and we are still awaiting the outcome of some of our applications. Meanwhile, all the building preliminaries have been completed and paid for. This includes detailed work by various professional engineers and surveyors in developing the Bill of Quantities, heating system design and ground tests so that we are in a position for building work to start just as soon as we have raised the additional £50,000 we need to complete Phase 1 of the project.
Thank you once again for the help you have given to this project which has the potential to make such a significant difference to both our Church and our Community.
God Bless you”